Economy January 11, 2016 | 4:18 pm

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Dominican Republic eyes energy pact years in the making

Santo Domingo.- Themeetings leading to a national pact over the electricity sector will resume nextTuesday, after the work sessions were suspended for the holidays.

Representatives from laborunions, businesses and civil society are expected to work with government officialsin groups on a number of proposals to discuss the proposed pact.

A number of preliminaryagreements have already been hammered out during discussions by a number of teamsfrom the various sectors, including that government representatives mustprovide a range of information required by the Economic and Social Council (CES)

Government officialssay all the information required thus far is available on the electricity pactwebsite

Around five worksessions have been held thus far in which a number of the points of consensus havebeen addressed toward establishing a roadmap for the agreement years in themaking.

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