Economy January 13, 2016 | 11:33 am

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Dominican president ´an employer who pays badly´: union leader

Santo Domingo.- DominicanRepublic´s most outspoken union leader on Wednesday called president DaniloMedina "an employer who pays badly," when asked why labor didn’t seekout the head of state to obtain a wageincrease this year.

Rafael ´Pepe´ Abreu, presidentof the national unions grouped in the CNUS, said when Medina talks he forgetsthat he also has workers.

"The President(Medina) when he speaks forgets that he also has employees earning a minimumwage of around 5,150 pesos. Since he´s an employer who also pays badly, when hesees the other employer sector -the private- he lacks the quality to adopt aposition as he assumes."

Interviewed on NCDNchannel 37 Abreu said while he agrees with Medina´s repeated statement that onecannot live with a minimum wage of RD$10,000, the chief executive should set anexample and “practice what he preaches, starting at home," by improving governmentwages.

He said that while theunions want to take to Medina as an ally, the business sector is going toreject.

Wage hike for some

The Labor Ministry on Tuesdayannounced a 15 percent hike on the minimum wage for construction workers andthose who provide health services, rehab and education and other services sectors.

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