Economy February 10, 2016 | 8:40 am

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Foods pace January price climb of 0.39%

Santo Domingo.- Januaryprices remained mostly unchanged at 0.39% higher than December, paced by foodsand non-alcoholic beverages, the Central Bank announced Tuesday.

It said the group of foods is where low income workerseconomy spend the most “and have been the most impacted by the month’s CPI as aresult.”

"The Consumer Price Index (CPI) remained virtuallyunchanged compared to December 2015,” the Central Bank said in a statement.

It said annual inflation in January 2015 to January 2016, orthe last 12 months reached 2.53%, remaining below the lower limit of theinflation target of 4.0% ± 1.0% set in the monetary program for 2016.

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