Dominican Telecomm readies response to cyber attacks
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Telecomm Institute (Indotel) presidentGideon Santos on Thursday said the Dominican Republic will implement a NationalCybersecurity Strategy, with technical support from the Organization ofAmerican States (OAS).
He said the nation still faces many cybersecurity challenges,for which Indotel’s focus is to create the National Cyber ??Incident Response Center,together with other agencies.
He said among Center’s basic objectives figure the preventionof cyber attacks on critical government infrastructure, reduce vulnerabilitiesand minimize the time of response and recovery.
The official said the main issue in dealing with cybersecurityis that there’s no single solution to fight the threats as well the impossibilityof limiting a solution exclusively with legal or technological factors. "It’salso necessary to assess psychological and sociological factors that allow usto identify the new threats we will face in the near future.”