Economy February 23, 2016 | 12:49 pm

Buy car in DR

Agency lists products with export potential to the US

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic Export andInvestment Center (CEI-RD) on Tuesday released the study ‘Facilitation andMarket Access for Agricultural and Agribusiness in New York and Florida, underthe DR-CAFTA."

Among the research’s findings figure specific Dominican productswith great potential and which whose exports can grow, also confirming the goodacceptance of domestic products in places with Dominican presence.

The study found that both New York and Florida, aside frombeing two of the main consumption centers, are also points of entry to other USstates.

It found that Florida, by its nature, has great potentialas a re-export point to other Caribbean islands, which the agency says DominicanRepublic should exploit.


The consulting firm Agroforsa SRL conducted the research underthe CEI-RD’s strategic guidelines, and forms part of an agreement between the agencyand the New York National Supermarkets Association (NSA) in January 2013.

“The research forms part of the marketing strategy of theCEI-RD to maximize exports and strengthen commercial ties between producers andbuyers.”

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