Dominican-American Chamber of Commerce hails gay version

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s American Chamber ofCommerce AMCHAMDR) on Thursday called the recently-formed LGBT Chamber ofCommerce a positive initiative which can add value to companies in sectors suchas tourism which seek to exploit the emerging market niche.
AMCHAMDR vice president William Malamud said the fledgling entitycan spur growth of small businesses by “liaising with multinational companiesthat have focused on this population segment programs.”
"I understand that they are involved in linking theLGBT business with multinationals which have dedicated to inclusiveness in itssupply chain programs … therefor I think it’s important for several smallbusinesses niche, if they can attain growth through such programs," Malamudsaid.
The business leader said the new business organization isan added value in areas of the economy and the tourism industry.
"In tourism for example, if companies want to attractthis segment (LGBT), you have to understand that market, what kind of thingsthey want, etc….if that’s something that a company wants to do and focus onthose segments, I will believe there is an added value in having a Chamber…theyhave every right to associate.”