Economy April 20, 2016 | 9:18 am

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UNDP to help bolster planning on public development policies

Santo Domingo.- Economy minister Temistocles Montas and UN DevelopmentProgram (UNDP) representative Lorenzo Jimenez de Luis on Tuesday signed anagreement to bolster national and regional actions in planning and publicpolicies for development.

Through the agreement signed at the National Palace, the UNDPsupports the implementation of offices for sustainable development ODS in thecountry through technical assistance to the Ministry to develop policies that effectivelycombine the economic, social and environmental issues.

“Work will be carried out in the alignment and coordinationof sectoral plans, institutional municipal and national System of Planning andPublic Investment with the objectives and goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will in turn strengthen national capacities formonitoring and evaluation of results,” the agencies said in a joint statement.

The agreement “Adopting the Agenda 2030 for SustainableDevelopment in the instruments of the National System of Planning and PublicInvestment in Dominican Republic” aims to strengthen national capacitiesto deal with, and satisfactorily respond to the ODS, which make up the global developmentagenda during the next 15 years.

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