Economy April 21, 2016 | 12:07 pm

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Envoy sees strong UK-Dominican Republic ties, but doubt lingers

Santo Domingo.- The United Kingdom’s new ambassador to the DominicanRepublic on Thursday forecast even stronger ties with the Caribbean nation of10 million, citing as proof the more than US$1.0 billion British investment invarious sectors, especially energy.

Chris Campbell also shared his predecessor Steven Fisher’s concernwith Dominican Republic’s lack of legal guarantees for foreign investment.

“Judicial security is of great concern, not only here, butin all countries where we have investments,” the diplomat said, and noted effortsby both London and Santo Domingo to improve the business climate.

“Among the hurdles to investment are corruption andimpunity, as we see it every day on TV and read about it in newspapers,” thediplomat said at the British Chamber of Commerce (BRITCHAM) breakfast in his honor.

Leading attraction to interment

He said UK investments in the Dominican Republic are toppedonly by Mexico in Latin America.

A career diplomat, Campbell also urged BRITCHAM membercompanies to establish strong social responsibility programs as a way to earnan enduring reputation. “Once a doubt is cast, a lost reputation is the most difficultthing to recover.”

He also warned companies against ignoring the needs anddesires of clients and customers. “If you protect the people they’ll safeguardyour company.”


Campbell also announced the annual British Chamber GolfCup, slated for Casa de Campo’s legendary Teeth of the Dog links starting April30.

Gathering boosts ties

Prior to introducing Campbell to the business leadersgathered at Hotel El Embajador, BRITCHAM president Jose Rodriguez said that type of activity can contribute to bolster ties between Dominican Republic and GreatBritain.

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