Economy May 3, 2016 | 9:41 am

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Presidential candidate has big plans for Santiago province

Santiago.- APD party presidential candidate Minou TavarezMirabal on Monday said Santiago province must develop into a logistics center forthe country and the Caribbean region.

"Santiago deserves a seaport in the north tofacilitate the export of industrial and agricultural products, it needs to growits businesses to continue creating quality jobs and municipal management must solvethe problems of its people, chaotic public transport and above all safety forcitizens," she said.

Tavarez said from the presidency she would develop freezones as a source of innovation and entrepreneurship and support theestablishment of technical training centers for young people to develop skills,and abilities that facilitate their entry into the labor and productive market.

"We are in Santiago because we recognize theimportance of this province in the national economy, as well as productive,financial, academic and health in the region, but this province deservesunconditional support to its productive structure for its contribution to thenational product. The business sector of Santiago, large, medium, small andmicro-enterprises need encouragement and institutional support to develop,"she said.

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