Economy June 15, 2016 | 9:52 am

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Dominican Economy Minister to speak at Bogota conference

Bogota.- Juan Temístocles Montás, Minister of Economy,Planning and Development, Dominican Republic, and Mahmoud Mohieldin, SeniorVice President for the 2030 Development Agenda, United Nations Relations andPartnerships, World Bank, will speak at a two-day regional conference which willdiscuss what needs to be done in the next 1,000 days to achieve the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030 and thechallenges and opportunities the SDGs provide for middle-income countries.

The regional dialogue – Starting Strong – the first 1000days of the SDGs – hosted by CEPEI, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI)and Southern Voice on Post-MDG International Development Goals – will takeplace at the Bogota Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15thJune.

The conference will include more than 50 participants fromacross Latin America and the Caribbean and aims to mobilize action towards atransformative, sustainable agenda. Key topics being discussed include:

· Integratingthe SDGs into national development plans and priorities

· Harnessingthe integrated nature of the SDGs to mobilize action across all three pillarsof the SDGs – the social, economic and environmental goals

· Mobilizingpartnerships and resources

· Addressinginclusion and participation

· Encouragingaccountability for sustainability

The regional dialogue is the last of three taking placeglobally. The first dialogue took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 12-13 April,and the second in Marawila, Sri Lanka, from 18-19 May.

Each dialogue aims to engage a range of politicalrepresentatives and policy experts from across each region who are highlyengaged in SDG implementation, in order to generate new ideas for priorityactions to drive forward the 2030 Agenda within the first 1000 days, and tobuild political motivation and commitment.

The key messages, ideas and critical challenges highlightedthrough the event will feed into discussions in New York during the High LevelPolitical Forum in July – the first official review mechanism since the launchof the SDGs in January.

Venue: Sede CentroEmpresarial Chapinero, Calle 67 nro. 8-32/44, Bogotá June 14-15

Please note that both speakers will present on 15 June(15:15-16:45)

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