Economy July 11, 2016 | 11:05 am

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Dams chief warns of high sediment levels

Santo Domingo.- National dams and canals agency (INDRHI) directorOlgo Fernandez on Monday cautioned that thousands of tons of sediment of thecountry’s 33 major dams must be removed to extend their operational life and supplymore water for all productive systems.

"The dams never disappear, but if not cleaned will increasinglystore less water, and if the country is affected by a cyclone or heavy downpourstake place, major damages could occur,”the official said quoted by

He said the dams at Sabana Yegua, Valdesia, Hatillo,Rincon, Tavera, Monción and Sabaneta have tons of sediments, which if cleaned couldbe used by aggregate companies “and thus avert the continued depredation of thecountry’s rivers.”

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