Economy July 13, 2016 | 3:12 pm

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Consumers yell help as chicken, potato prices jump

Santo Domingo.- The price of chicken jumped to 50 pesos perpound this week, or as much as 15 pesos higher, while other staples such asbeef and potatoes have also climbed.

A pound chicken costs from 10 to 15 pesos higher than lastweek in the farmers markets at Cristo Rey and Villa Consuelo, as verified by reportersof newspaper El Nacional.

The vendor Luis Antonio Burgos said the increase in theprice of chicken has been felt in recent days, which he says, affects theconsumer. "I bought at 30 pesos a pound to resell and now I get it for 46,so I have to charge 55, and even then there’s no profit.".

Some consumers say the Government should take measures tostop speculation with food prices in recent days.

"Everything has increased and there is no money, theGovernment must take steps to stop it," said a woman who refused to giveher name, as she shopped in the sprawling barrio of Cristo Rey.

Among the other products with higher prices figure onions, tomatoes,codfish, herring and beef.

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