Economy July 13, 2016 | 8:30 am

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Govt. sets deadlines for ‘Español’ only labels

Santo Domingo.- The dairy sector’s brouhaha over its demandthat the government defend local production has prompted the creation of apermanent commission to enforce the General Health Law’s provisions on Food andBeverage Risk Control, Consumer Protection and Quality.

Presidency administrative minister Jose Ramon Peralta on Tuesdaysaid all the agencies that enforce compliance over proper sanitary registrationand labeling of food will start actions into milk and related products since inhis view, are the most sensitive for consumers.

He said to assure proper health standards, protect consumers’health and ensure the right to information, consultations will be carried out coveringother food products.

Peralta said those who don’t comply face fines of at least 20minimum wages, a shuttered business and destruction of the products.

For his part, Industry and Commerce minister José delCastillo said as of August 1, the milk derivatives that don’t comply with labelingand prepackaging rules will be banned from the market

He said starting January 2017 local and imported products mustbe labeled in Spanish, with clear, visible and inerasable letters “withoutexception.”

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