Economy July 26, 2016 | 11:48 am

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Central Bank volunteers reforest the capital’s major river basin

Santo Domingo.- ThePresidential Commission to rescue the Ozama and Isabela rivers on Tuesday hailedthe reforestation work carried out by the Central Bank’s Volunteer (VB) in the rivers’ upperbasins, in coordination with the Environment Ministry.

Speaking to start the 7th day of planting nearthe birth of the Ozama, committee coordinator Onofre Rojas thanked the Volunteers,noting that the river basins’ reforestation is fundamental to ensure GreaterSanto Domingo’s future.

"The Ozama basin has about 3,000 square kilometers, bornfrom around 400 streams and creeks that feed the great water factory that theOzama river is. That’s why this planting work by the Central Bank Volunteers isvital for the country," Rojas said.

Central Bank Volunteers Environment Committee secretary AnestherDiaz headed the activity which involved 73 volunteers who planted 4,875 Caribeapine trees at Los Guineos, Yamasa township, Monte Plata province

Officials and employees of the Administrative, Cultural,Security, International, Comptroller, Accounting, Treasury, Purchasing,Communications, Human Resources, Budget, ARS Health Plan Systems and Technologydepartments participated in the activity which included members of their family.

This planting is part of the agreement with the EnvironmentMinistry which includes the reforestation of around 120 hectares near La Sierrade Yamasa, the furnishing of equipment for the Ozama River Upper Basin ProtectionOffice and an educational campaign on the importance of protecting the Ozama,for students from villages near the source.

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