Economy August 2, 2016 | 11:33 am

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Exports jump 13% to US$4.2B in first half: Customs

Santo Domingo.- Customs director Fernando Fernandez on Tuesdaysaid imports have fallen by 0.92% from January to June compared with last year,while exports increased.

"Total imports posted during the period from January toJune this year amounted to US$8.34 billion, a decrease of 0.92% over the sameperiod of 2015," the official said.

He said total exports topped US$4.2 billion, or an increaseof 13.2% over the same period in 2015. "Exports have increased by 3.97%,explained basically by gold and silver, which registered an increase of 14.13%."

Fernandez, speaking in the 1st Annual AuthorizedEconomic Operator Conference RD, said Customs is complying with this year’s revenuetarget, of RD$103.06 billion. "As of July 31, Customs has collected atotal of RD$54.5 billion, an increase of 6.8%, equal to an additional RD$3.5 billioncompared to the same period in 2015."

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