Economy August 4, 2016 | 9:45 am

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A RD$120M market and crafts plaza coming to Higuey

Higuey, Dominican Republic.- A municipal market and a handicraftplaza will be built in the eastern city at a cost of RD$120 million, it emergedWednesday during the signing of an agreement between the Industrial CompetitivenessDevelopment Center (Proindustria) and Higuey’s City Council.

To the proposal to build the market, Proindustria added aspecial area for a plaza for artisans of nearly 6,000 square meters. The totalarea of the two sites is 10,371 square meters, at Higüey’s now shuttered free zone.

Proindustria director Alexandra Izquierdo stressed theimportance of both facilities, which she affirms will help promote sales ofvarious local products to tourists and locals alike.

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