Economy August 4, 2016 | 8:03 am

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Talks leading to Electricity Pact resume today

Santo Domingo.- The Economic and Social Council (CES) on Wednesdayresumed the fourth and what could be the last phase leading to the Electricity Pactwhen the meetings resume Thursday.

The meetings between the Government, the social and the businesssectors will resume with the presentation of the preliminary version of thefirst part of the synthesis document of consensus and dissent.

The decision was announced yesterday at a meeting held in PUCMMUniversity, headed by CES president monsignor Agripino Nuñez, Energy and Mines ministerAntonio Isa, whereas Felix Roque and Rolando Guzman represent the socialsector. National Business Council (CONEP) president Rafael Blanco and Herrera IndustrialAssociation president Antonio Taveras represent the business sector.

The talks to strike the Electricity Pact began January 19, 2015,seeking to unify the proposals from the public and private sectors linked toelectricity generation and distribution, with the consensus of civil society.

Six workgroups were created to analyze proposals on theinstitutional and regulatory framework, generation, transmission, distribution,financial and tariff issues and consumer-users.

Its goal is to solve the crisis that has hobbled Dominican Republic’selectricity sector for more than half a century.

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