American Chamber of Commerce tells women ‘empower yourself’

Santo Domingo.- The American Chamber of Commerce in the DominicanRepublic (AMCHAMDR) recently held the fourth edition of the women’s event"Entrepreneurship and Leadership Conference".
This event’s objectives this year were maximized byproviding a space designed for women entrepreneurs to learn, practical,technical leadership development and apply them to their life, providing thetools for professional development with which to improve performance in thefield of leadership and execution of professional actions.
"Women, increasingly, are trying to define their placein the personal and professional aspect, it’s therefore essential that theyidentify their strengths to achieve differentiation. They have faced thechanges that have uplifted the society in which they live, responding to thedemands with a sense of excellence in each of the challenges they’ve assumed. It’sa dynamic that continues, implying the need for state of the art professionaltools to evolve in business," said Waleska Maria Alvarez, member of theBoard of Directors and Executive President of NAP of the Caribbean, said in herwelcoming speech.
"We from AMCHAMDR remain committed to working with thestrengthening of the women’s leadership in the professional field andactivities as we propose, while stressing the contribution that women make toour society, we bring knowledge, encourage them to participate more in theevents we organize and motivate them to take advantage by assimilating it intotheir daily practice," Alvarez added.
In her lecture “Woman Empower Yourself," motivational speakerMichelle Campillo stressed five powerful elections to strengthen or refocuslife, at professional and human level, as well as techniques to establish aclear vision and resources to obtain a measurement with positive results.
Ingrid Martinez, who spoke on "Maximizing the results,effective people management," said the leaders won’t obtain positive andlasting results if they fail to manage and enhance the value of their staff asa workforce and provide them with techniques that allow them to support their employees,resulting in the success of both.