Economy September 7, 2016 | 12:32 pm

Buy car in DR

Aug. prices fall -0.06%, paced by foods

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic Central Bank on Wednesdayreported -0.06% lower prices in Aug., with cumulative inflation for the firsteight months at 0.31%.

“With this result, annualized inflation, measured from Aug.2015 to Aug. 2016 stood at 1.47%, remaining below the lower limit of the targetset by the Monetary Program 4.0% (± 1.0%)” the Central Bank said on its website.

It attributes the slight decline in Aug. compared to July mostlyon lower prices on foods, non-alcoholic beverages and transport.

“The result observed in the group foods and nonalcoholic beveragesbasically responds to price reductions registered by those products, such asonions (-24.15%), avocados (-17.07%) and green bananas (-1.45%),” the Central Bankadded.

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