Dominican Industries agree: dodge taxes, shutter the business
Sano Domingo.- Dominican Republic Industries Association (AIRD)president Campos de Moya on Tuesday said he agrees with the Internal Taxes Agency’s(DGII) shuttering of all businesses which evade taxes.
The business leader’s assertion comes after the DGII warnedthe companies which have yet to comply with Law 479-08 on Corporations andCompanies, to do so within six months.
"All companies that are AIRD membership have alreadymade their adjustments. This is an issue that has been done for a long time,and who has not done is because they wanted to, "he said.
De Moya spoke in a working breakfast by the National Young BusinessLeaders Association (ANJE), where he dictated the conference "Navigatingthe Waters of the Business Sector: Vision and Experiences."
He asked business associations and other civil society organizationsto continue the work and efforts to promote the passing of laws that the countrydeserves, such as the law on the electoral system and on political parties, “topreserve the democratic principles that the Dominican Republic had accomplishedseveral decades ago.”