Dominican-Israeli ties to grow even stronger

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’srelations with Israel grow increasingly solid and there are plans to strengthenthem even further, said Modi Ephraim, Tel Aviv deputy director for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean Dept.
Ephraim,who arrived in the Dominican Republic on Monday, met with the Jewish communityand with Foreign minister Miguel Vargas, and lawmakers.
"The purpose of the visit is to look forways to deepen relations, through our ambassador who is doing a great job hereto strengthen this friendship between the two countries and see how we canintensify efforts on the bilateral side," said the diplomat, interviewedby
He said the closer ties include collaborationnot only in the technical, trade and cultural areas, but also on issues inwhich Israel can collaborate with its experience.
"First we have to say that we arebrother countries. We share the democratic values ??and from the beginning ofthe State of Israel and even before we received the support of the Dominicanpeople, first opening the doors to the Jewish refugees from Europe, in a harsher,more difficult time that had to do with the second World War, with theholocaust," Ephraim said, accompanied by Israeli ambassador Daniel Saban.