Industry lauds 5 years of progress on hard work

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic IndustriesAssociation (AIRD) president Campos De Moya on Monday lauded the sector for itshard work during the two years of his tenure and stressed the progress in thefive years since the Dominican Industry’s 2nd Congress.
He said despite daunting hurdles still to surmount,the industrial sector is now stronger, competitive and capable of boostingexports, which in his view has contributed to the public and private sector workingtogether.
"Entrepreneurs are willing to invest inthe development of their companies and capable of permanent innovations, aswell as concerned To improve the quality of employment generated by theircompanies and to increase formal employment," De Moya said.
He added that the international environment continuesits rapid change, presenting new problems, as well as the persistence ofothers, "in the electric sector, for example."