Economy December 29, 2016 | 11:16 am

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French, Dominican scientists seek geothermal energy under rocks

Santo Domingo.- French and Dominicangeologists and geochemists conducted water and rock surveys in 20 areas of theDominican Republic to determine their geothermal potential and assess conditionsleading to clean energy production, as part of a study funded by the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank (IDB).

The study "Specific Agreement toEvaluate the Geothermal Potential of the Dominican Republic" is carriedout by the French Geological and Mining Research Office (BRGM), and the Energyand Mines Ministry (MEM), through the affiliate agency National GeologicalService (SGN), which will also detemine which areas have the most potential todevelop geotourism projects.

The French technicians will take 100 kilos ofwater and rock to carry out isotopic and geochemical analyzes using geothermometers,to determine the temperature in the depth of the regions, starting from thechemical composition of the waters, said Bernard Sanjuan, head of TheGeoreferential Division of Deep and Surface Geothermal Resources of the BRGM.

Areas of interest

Quoted by, National GeologicalService director Santiago Muñoz says the Constanza-Las Yayas de Viajama (central)axis figures among the areas of high interest because they are areas of recent(non-active) volcanism, between 500,000 and 700,000 years.

There’s also geothermal interest in the PadreLas Casas-Vicente Noble- Canoa (west) area, where there are hot springs,whereas San Juan de la Maguana, Enriquillo, Pedro Santana and San José de lasMatas have sites with mineral waters.

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