Economy January 13, 2017 | 8:51 am

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2016 tax revenue tops US$8.3B goal, upbeat for 2017

Santo Domingo.- Tax revenue will reach thegoal set in the 2017 Budget of RD$384.0 billion (US$8.3 billion), as evidencedby the nearly RD$4.0 billion more than expected collected over the last twomonths.

"We will meet the goal in this year’sbudget. This is RD$384 billion, a major leap," said Internal Taxes (DGII) directorMagín Díaz on Thursday.

He said the DGII raised RD$352.0 billion atthe close of 2016. "As a basis for good expectations, revenues increased inthe last four months of 2016."

He said the average increase of nearly 17% ismore than double the growth of the economy.

"We’re seeing good results. In thesecond half a little more than 100% of the budget was collected," Diazsaid speaking on Teleantillas Channel 2.

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