Economy January 31, 2017 | 4:14 pm

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Dominican Central Banker touts robust growth to IMF

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic Central banker HéctorValdez Albizu met with International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission which has beenin the country since Tuesday in consultations over of Article IV of the Agreement, in which IMFtechnicians annually review the Dominican economy’s recent performance andoutlook.

The IMF mission led by Aliona Cebotari will bein the country two weeks and will also visit the ministries of Finance, Economy,among other government agencies and some private sector entities.

When asked about its recent performanceValdez said the Dominican economy grew 6.6% in 2016, "the highest in LatinAmerica for the third consecutive year and inflation was barely 1.70%, thesecond lowest in the last 33 years."

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