Economy February 17, 2017 | 11:02 am

Buy car in DR

Propane gas climbs; diesel, gasoline, natural gas stay put

Santo Domingo-. The Industry and Commerce Ministryon Friday posted the fuel prices for the week from February 18 to 24, whenpremium gasoline will remain at RD$214.30 and regular at RD$198.70 per gallon

Regular diesel will still cost RD$153.00;optimum RD$166.60; avtur RD$115.90; kerosene RD$141.00 and fuel oil RD$95.80 pergallon.

Propane will cost RD$111.00, an increase ofRD$3.00 per gallon, while natural gas remains unchanged at RD$25.26 per cubicmeter.

The Dominican Republic Central Bank’s posted averageexchange rate of RD$47.14 per dollar was used to calculate all fuel prices.

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