Economy February 21, 2017 | 3:18 pm

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Medina signs sweeping transport bill into Law

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina onTuesday signed the Mobility, Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety bill into Law,which creates the National Traffic and Land Transport Institute (INTRANT) as anational governing agency, with a financially autonomous status, and forms partof the Public Works Ministry.

The new agency abolishes five transportsector regulatory institutions: The Technical Land Transport Office (OTTT), theLand Transit Directorate (DGTT), the Taxis Administration and Regulation Council(CART), the Public Transport Drivers Pensions and Retirements, and the LandTransport Development Fund (Fondet).

The new law also creates the General TrafficSafety and Land Transport Agency (DIGESETT), which fuses the MetropolitanTransit Authority (AMET) and the Santiago Metropolitan Transit Authority (AMETRASAN).

Moreover, the new agency will oversee thefines and infractions and control the land passenger and cargo transport androad safety, as part of the National Police.


The legislation establishes controls on publictransport such as the age of drivers, the number of passengers in vehicles, theirlifespan; the number of passengers on motorcycles; bars the transport ofchildren under 8 on motorcycles, among other rules.

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