Barrick Pueblo Viejo 2010-2016 output: 131.25 tons of gold
Pueblo Viejo
Santo Domingo.- From 2010 to yearend 2016 Barrick Pueblo Viejo produced 4.2 million ounces (131.25 tons) of gold and 12.3 million of silver, and have accumulated 60 million tons of ore in the medium and low grade stacks.
The geologist Jose Polanco also noted that the mine’s lifespan is around five years, plus 13 years of processing after mining, which began in 2010.
He said the extraction is carried out on 5 to10-meter-thick layers with a hydraulic excavator, a hydraulic shovel, three loaders and 34 trucks of 181 tons.
Speaking to open the first International Applied Geology Congress at PUCMM University,
Polanco added that Pueblo Viejo’s deposit of precious and base metal contents include gold, silver, copper and zinc.