Economy March 17, 2017 | 11:53 am

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International agency: Dominican aviation is region’s leader

Civil Aviation complex ribbon cutting.

Santo Domingo.-  International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regional director Melvin Cintrón, on Thursday called the Dominican Republic the region’s civil aviation leader.

He said he bases that conclusion on verifiable and measurable data. “These are indisputable data that represent the audits we have taken to measure the level of compliance and standards.”

In a speech to inaugurate facilities built at a cost of RD$86 million in the Dominican Air Force Botello Complex headed by president Danilo Medina, Cintron lauded Dominican Republic’s advances in aeronautics and civil aviation.

He said the audits carried out by ICAO – globally – indicate that the average level of compliance with standards is 63% and that of the region is 68%, while in Dominican Republic’s case, the level of compliance reached 90.63%.

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