Economy April 10, 2017 | 4:54 pm

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Foreign Affairs to help the Electoral Board’s work abroad

Foreign Ministry

Santo Domingo.- Foreign minister Miguel Vargas and Central Electoral Board (JCE) president Julio César Castaños on Monday signed an agreement, which will make it easier for Dominicans abroad to obtain the Dominican ID, register with the Civil Registrar and other services.

The document renews and expands a similar agreement signed in March 2015.

The document stipulates that Foreign Affairs will support the Board through embassies and consulates abroad, to assist nationals who require JCE services.

The Foreign Ministry will also help the JCE organize and stage the 2020presidential and congressional elections, using the former’s facilities.

After signing the agreement at the Foreign Ministry, Vargas praised the JCE has “a model institution in recent years, recovering the credibility lost due to the ups and downs of local politics.”

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