Economy April 13, 2017 | 11:53 am

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Civil Aviation lists rules to operate drones

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC) on Wed. instructed operators of remote piloted aircraft or drones to avoid flights that pose a threat to people, property or other aircraft, during the holidays.

The Flight Regulations Directorate noted that among the norms to drones figure their safe condition, that they operate under visual flight rules and permanently in sight of the operator.

“These restrictions include, but are not limited to, endangering the life and safety of individuals, jeopardizing public or private property, violating other persons’ privacy rights, operating carelessly or recklessly and operating on prohibited or Restrictions published by the IDAC ,” the agency said in a statement.

It warns drone operators must also comply with the separation of distances with others in the same area and “give way to any manned aircraft in the different phases of flight, as well as to maintain its own separation with other aircraft.”

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