Economy May 12, 2017 | 7:44 pm

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State-owned bank just made it easier to send and receive money

Santo Domingo.- The State-owned Reservas bank expanded its affiliate remittance network, making it easier for customers to send and receive money through its offices, with an option of withdrawals through ATMs and bank branches nationwide.

With Univisión Remesas, InterCambio Express, Boss Revolution, Monty Global Payments, BARRI, Intermex, Pangea, Worldremit, MoneyTrans, Choice Money Transfer, Small World and Amos, Reservas the affiliated financial agencies now total 20.

Moreover, Reservas has conducted financial transactions for several years with the remitters MoneyGram, Envio de Dinero Bancomer, Ria, Banco Popular Español, Xoom, La Caixa, Xpress Money and Wells Fargo.

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