Economy May 31, 2017 | 5:03 pm

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Airfields-turned-airports can export agro, boost tourism


Santo Domingo.-  The airfield at Constanza (center) would become an international airport to export vegetables and other products to the US and other nations, whereas the one at Montecristi (northwest) would be revamped to attract tourists.

Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC) director Alejandro Herrera made the announcement, and said they’re working in coordination with the Airports Department to reach that goal.

He also said that president Danilo Medina wants to link the Cabo Rojo Airfield in Pedernales (southwest), with María Montez International Airport, in Barahona (south), to spur tourism development in that region.

The official said Constanza, Jarabacoa and other Cibao (north) areas produce an abundance of vegetables and a variety of other agro products which can be exported to the US, Puerto Rico and other nations, once the two airfields are converted.

Herrera noted that tourism and air passenger transport have become two major pillars of the country’s economy.

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