Economy July 7, 2017 | 12:42 pm

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Gov. announces RD$748.0M to develop agro-forestry in the West

Santo Domingo.- Presidency Administrative Minister José Ramón Peralta on Thurs. visited the Hondo Valle and Juan Santiago Agroforestry Project (west), where nearly 6,000 hectares of land will be developed at a cost of RD$748.0 million to benefit 2,000 producers, and 4,000 people indirectly.

He said the agro-forestry project, announced by president Danilo Medina in August last year, is one of seven which the government finances in various areas of the Central Mountains and the highlands of Neyba and Bahoruco.

In a meeting with local coordinators and enforcement committees of Hondo Valle and Juan Santiago, Peralta stressed that the project finances the planting of seedlings of coffee, avocados, and pines to protect the watersheds and manage forests

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