Economy July 7, 2017 | 3:53 pm

Buy car in DR

Natural gas unchanged; all other fuels jump

Pricey gas, visit Los Tres grottoOjos in the capital

Santo Domingo.- The Industry and Commerce Ministry on Friday posted the fuel prices during the week from July 8 to 14, when premium gasoline will cost RD$204.30 per gallon, or RD$1.00 less, while regular gasoline goes to RD$191.20, a RD$2.00 increase.

Regular diesel will cost RD$142.00, or RD$4.00 more; optimum diesel will cost RD$154.10, or RD$2.00 more; fuel oil will cost RD$93.05, or RD$2.50 more; avtur will cost RD$104.40 and kerosene RD$128.00, both RD$2.00 higher per gallon.

Propane gas will cost RD$98.00 per gallon, an increase of RD$2.00 and natural gas remains unchanged at RD$28.97 per cubic meter.

Dominican Republic Central Bank’s posted average exchange rate of RD$47.54 per dollar was used to calculate all fuel prices.

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