Economy July 11, 2017 | 3:05 pm

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World Bank tweaks strategic alliance with the Dominican Republic

Tahseen Sayed Khan

Santo Domingo.- World Bank director for the Caribbean, Tahseen Sayed Khan, is in the Dominican Republic this week to meet with Dominican officials to discuss strategic areas related to the World Bank’s assistance program In support of the country’s priorities.

Sayed will meet with various stakeholders, including government officials, development partners, private sector and civil society representatives.

Accompanied by World Bank country representative Alessandro Legrottaglie, Sayed will meet with president Danilo Medina, vice president Margarita Cedeño, and the National Economic Team, headed by Finance and Economic ministers Isidoro Santana and Donald Guerrero, respectively.

She also plans to visit the “Los Martínez” project in San Jose de Ocoa province (south), to observe an inclusive, sustainable community with an integral approach that promotes the efficient use of natural resources.

Sayed, who hails from Pakistan, previously served as the World Bank’s representative for Albania and Nepal. She has more than 20 years of operational and leadership experience within the World Bank including as a senior specialist in Education and Operations Advisor.

“She has extensive knowledge of the programs with the countries and a strong track record of delivering results and innovation. He holds a master’s degree in Law and Diplomacy with a major in development studies from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, from Tufts University, USA,” the World Bank said in an emailed statement.

It adds that at the beginning of her visit, “Sayed reaffirmed the Bank’s continued commitment to the government’s effort to promote better services and opportunities for all Dominicans, eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and foster shared prosperity.”

Contacts:Santo Domingo: Alejandra de la Paz, (809) 872 7343,

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