Economy July 24, 2017 | 5:35 pm

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Watch out for ransomware, high tech expert warns

Imga : Total Security Blog

Santo Domingo.-  High tech engineer Leonardo Luzon, on Monday warned that ransomware “is an malicious program that totally blocks our equipment and asks for money to restore their control.”

The general manager of LC LCSolutions, which represents Microsoft, said that ransomware is a virus similar to a “kidnapping” when a criminal sequesters a person, demands a ransom in exchange for their release. “As can be deduced, the goal of the virus creator is to extort the owners of infested equipment and collect money, which many will gladly deliver in order to recover and access their files.”

Luzon said ransomware’s threats are created in a very intelligent fashion since they take advantage of not only of the users who need to recover control of their equipment, but other factors common to the human being … “these factors are fear and shame.”

He said the best technical and scientific solution is to urgently to stop the virus and thus prevent any computer system from collapsing.

How is this virus fought? “Install the antivirus Kaspersky,” Luzon says, quoted by

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