Economy August 7, 2017 | 2:44 pm

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Non-crude fuels produced 60%+ of energy in 1Q 2017

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic depended of sources from oil to generate 88% of its energy at the start of 2000, but in the first quarter of 2017, more than 60% was based on natural gas, hydro, coal, biomass, wind and solar.

The figures are in a report by the power companies grouped in ADIE from January to April this year, which notes that the total output was 4,670.46 GWh.

They said the primary source to produce electric power was 29% with natural gas, coal 14%, while 38% was supplied by heavy crude-based fuels (33% # 6 and 5% # 2).

“0.36% was generated from solar energy as a primary source, 0.41% with biomass, 2.65% from wind and 15.36% from hydroelectric generation,” the ADIE said.

It estimates that at the end of 2017 the country’s generation will be 36.14 petroleum products, 32.20% natural gas, 13.52% hydro, 13.45 coal, 1.45% biomass, 2.83% wind and 0.42% solar.

From 2016 to 2017, four power generation projects were inaugurated, adding 223.5 megawatts to the National Grid resulting from a US$580.0 million investment, according to Energy and Mines Ministry data.

By the numbers

Projects that launched operations in 2017: Larimar 1 (49.5 megawatts (US$120 million)), Monte Plata Solar (30 megawatts, US$110 million), San Pedro Bio Energy (30 megawatts based on biomass, US$90 million) and Los Mina 7, 114 megawatts with natural gas combined cycle, US$ 260 million.

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