Economy August 22, 2017 | 12:07 pm

Buy car in DR

Cooking gas should cost RD$71.20-gallon, not RD$106.80

Santo Domingo.-The Consumer Rights Foundation (Fundecom) on Monday said cooking gas (LPG) should cost RD$71.20 per gallon, instead of RD$106.80, a difference of RD$35.60 per gallon.

It said the propane-butane mix is 90-10 instead of 70-30, as Hydrocarbons Law 112-00 stipulates, since the product in the market is of lower quality. Butane burns hotter but accounts for only 10% in the mix when it should be at least 30%.

It said the mix jeopardizes homemakers who cook food at home and all those who buy the basic fuel at a premium. “The Industry and Commerce Ministry should take the necessary measures to ensure that the formula for calculating weekly fuel prices is transparent, as required by art. 24, section of Law 1-12 of the National Development Strategy (END).”


Fundecom adds that a study by the Santo Domingo State University (UASD) Energy Institute found that if the Hydrocarbons Law was enforced, instead of its implemented regulation, the prices of the various types of fuels would automatically fall as much as 25%.

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