Economy August 25, 2017 | 5:35 pm

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Top Puerto Rican diplomat’s visit centers on cooperation, trade

Gustavo Montalvo, Luis Rivera Marín, Danilo Medina

Santo Domingo.- Puerto Rico Secretary of State Luis Rivera Marín, met Fri. with the president Danilo Medina in the National Palace, accompanied by a delegation on an official visit to the country

Upon receiving Rivera, Presidency chief of staff Gustavo Montalvo said the visit aims to create “more wealth and more jobs for our people, but also more security, more education and more opportunities for development for each of the 14 million men and women who inhabit our nations.”

In 2015 Medina signed 11 bilateral agreements with Puerto Rico’s Govt. in areas such as higher education, English teaching, taxes, exports and investments, risk and disaster management, foreign trade, environmental preservation, cooperation in law enforcement and to fight drug trafficking.

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