Dominican Republic US$16.98B Budget boosts social programs, economy

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina and his cabinet Mon. night approved the draft of the 2018 Budget, of RD$814.82 billion (US$16.98 billion).
Finance minister Donald Guerrero said there’s a RD$64.5 billion increase compared to the 2017 budget, or 10.3 percent.
“The budget for 2018 will focus on two fundamental pillars: the continuity of social programs and the dynamization of the economy with an emphasis on support for SMEs and highly-profitable social works,” Guerrero said.
The official said the Budget bill will be submitted to Congress no later than Friday.
Guerrero said health is also a priority in public spending, of RD$684.0 billion, which will expand the subsidized care and education, with school construction.