Economy October 27, 2017 | 12:51 pm

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Pay attention to the public debt, big business warns

Pedro Brache, Ruben Maldonado

Santo Domingo.- National Business Council (Conep) president Pedro Brache, on Thurs. said the public debt “is already becoming something we should pay attention to.”

“We as a private sector that also handles debt, also have to see, along with the State, what the debt ceiling is,” Brache said.

He said that the current debt level is unsustainable. “Debts are unsustainable when you cannot pay them and the Dominican State has been able to meet its obligations to date. Definitely the trend that the debt has had is that it’s increasing every year and that is why I say that it is necessary that all sectors can evaluate how to put a stop to this trend of recent years.”

The business leader spoke during a meeting with Chamber of Deputies president, Rubén Maldonado, one of a series gatherings between the lawmaker and representatives of the various sectors.

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