Economy October 30, 2017 | 12:49 pm

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Medina orders agro-forestry projects expedited

Independencia, Dominican Republic.- President Danilo Medina instructed officials to pick up the pace on the agro forestry-development projects to recover the mountains’ foliage.

In a surprise visit to several towns of Independencia and Azua provinces (south), Medina siad he would like to see more work to advance the projects. “We’re not going at the pace we want. Sometimes I think I drive with a gasoline engine and the rest with a diesel engine. I would like us to go faster.”

at the first observation site at Bahoruco province the president urged those present to continue working so that the profits increase quickly.

Medina was accompanied by Agroforestry Development Projects director Rafael De Luna, who provided the details to Medina and to community representatives.

De Luna said the project will intervene 72,000 hectares for lumber, conservation, coffee, avocados and cocoa. “What we’re going to do is a major intervention.”

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