Economy November 1, 2017 | 4:49 pm

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Blackouts cost users US$1.0B yearly: power companies

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Electrical Industry Association (ADIE) on Wed. said the cost of energy and alternative lighting to deal with the hours of blackout cost individuals and businesses US$500.0 million per year.

Adie cited the use of candles, “the most primary source used by households during power outages,” could cost up to RD$600.0 per month. “While that same house with basic appliances would pay around 400 pesos per month for a stable electric service during the same time, according to the current rate.”

In a statement, Adie said the annual cost for households is US$228.26 million and US$335.9 million for companies, the small and medium-sized affected the most.

“A small company with 1 to 10 employees with 5 hours of blackouts pays 372,000 pesos per month to have a power plant,” the Adie said, adding that the losses in distribution and excess paid by users to deal with the blackouts are as high as US$1.0 billion.

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