Economy December 8, 2017 | 7:55 pm

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IDB approves US$1.95B Dominican Republic Country Strategy to 2020


Santo Domingo.- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved Thursday the Country Strategy for the Dominican Republic with US$1.95 billion, for the 2017-2020 period,.

The IDB Executive Board established the financial program estimated at US$1.95 billion and disbursements of around US$1.94 billion.

“To guarantee an agile execution, the Bank will work on strengthening the executing units and will explore innovative mechanisms for execution,” the IDB says.

It said the main objective of the 2017-2020 Country Strategy is to promote inclusive and sustainable growth, compatible with the creation of quality jobs that allow the reduction of poverty and inequality levels.

“The IDB Group intends to deepen the interventions of the previous strategy that are in line with the medium and long-term challenges of the country: improvement of the quality and coverage of basic services; expansion of productive opportunities; and improvement in the management of public finances, institutional strengthening and transparency,” the multilateral bank said.

It also cited the actions that promote gender equality, protection of the environment and adaptation to climate change, and innovation and will incorporate and utilize ICTs.

“During 2013-2016, the IDB Strategy focused on three pillars: macroeconomic stability and fiscal management; investment in human capital; and productive development policies.”

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