Economy December 14, 2017 | 8:24 pm

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Espaillat statement on decision to repeal Net Neutrality rules

New York. – Today, Congressman Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) released the following statement on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality protections.

“An open internet is an empowering, enabling platform, one that allows communities across the country to fulfill their economic and educational potential,” said Rep. Espaillat (NY-13). “Without net neutrality, broadband internet providers would be able to charge more for access and create a tiered system in which wealthy and powerful corporations can pay to have their content delivered to consumers at a faster speed. Smaller websites with less money would be left with slower loading times and consumers would have less access to the internet. This favors the wealthy and powerful, and particularly harms communities of color who rely on an open internet as a level playing field.

“Net neutrality has a broad range of support from a coalition of small businesses, artists, church leaders, students, and many more from around the country, and the FCC received more than 4 million statements of support during its public comment period. Simply, the FCC’s net neutrality rule protects Americans’ freedom of speech by maintaining an open internet for all.

“I stand firm in my belief that the internet should remain open and available to all Americans, regardless of their class, status, or geographic location. I strongly oppose FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s efforts to roll back net neutrality protections, and vow to continue my work to ensure first amendment rights for all.”

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