Economy December 18, 2017 | 3:56 pm

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Exploiting the subsoil’s riches without plunder

Cerro de Maimon

Santo Domingo.-The Energy and Mines Ministry submitted to the Presidency the draft for the Mining Law bill, in which the State would obtain more revenue from extractions, without hobbling the miners’ profits.

“This is a historical, unprecedented wager for a mining model that aims to said Mines minister Antonio Isa.

Since September, Energy and Mines has been discussing the text with business, industrial, social and academic leaders in a web forum, which drew 1,150 useful observations, comments, proposals and suggestions for a consensus and complete the bill’s text promote mining’s sustainable development.

“The preliminary project, conceived on the pillars of sustainable and socially responsible mining, contemplates the creation of the National System for the Distribution of Mining State Income, which aims to efficiently and transparently manage said income or proportion to finance sustainable development projects that seek equity between companies, the State and communities,” the agency said in a statement.

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