Economy January 25, 2018 | 1:58 pm

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Bredyg Disla to chair major business association

Bredyg Disla

San Cristobal, Dominican Republic- The Haina and South Region Industries and Companies Association has designated a new board of directors for the 2018-2020 period, formed by a group of nine business leaders, headed by Bredyg Disla.

Disla, executive of AES Dominicana, will manage the business entity for two years together with sector leaders Napoleón Rodríguez, first vice president and Ricardo Seravalle, second vice president.

Among the board members figure Lisselot Acosta, secretary; Ruddy Abreu, deputy secretary; Celso Juan Marranzini, treasurer; Eloisa Paz, vice-treasurer, as well as Juan Luis Thomas and Carlos Romero.

“My commitment is to continue the efforts of my predecessors to maintain the business union as an entity that watches over the legitimate rights of its members and plays its role as a valid arbiter with those who design and execute public policies,” Disla said in an emailed statement.

Upon taking possession, the veteran journalist added that the continued promotion of the Association’s integration is a priority.

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