Environment to reforest the South’s largest river basin
Troubled watershed. Photo via listin.com.do
Santo Domingo.- The Environment Ministry plans to reforest 937 hectares at a cost of around RD$7.8 million as part of the project to restore the Yaque del Sur basin in Azua, La Vega, Barahona, San Juan and Bahoruco provinces.
Last year Environment reforested 181 hectares as part of that plan, that includes timberland, agroforestry and / or fruit plantations; the construction of soil and water conservation works, the acquisition of measuring, monitoring, control and training equipment and technologies, among other measures.
The “Multiple Project Monte Grande” also includes a component of Yaque del Sur’s environmental protection and recovery, said Dams and Canals Agency (Indrhi), director Olgo Fernandez.
“What’s being done with the Yaque del Norte is a new project and this is a project that is being executed,” he said.
Fernandez said the plan includes the recovery, reforestation and adaptation of the river’s lower watershed. “A company will be hired for the execution of some of these works.”