Economy February 15, 2018 | 7:45 pm

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January prices climb 0.29% paced by non-alcoholic beverages

Central Bank

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Central Bank on Thurs. said consumer prices climbed 0.29% in January, compared to December 2017.

It said year-on-year inflation, from January 2017 to January 2018, stood at 3.86%, “slightly below the central value of the target range of 4.0% ± 1.0% established in the Monetary Program.”

It said the group with the highest incidence in the analyzed month was Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages with a variation of 0.50% compared to the previous month.

“Interannual core inflation was placed at 2.43% in January 2018. This indicator measures the inflationary pressures of monetary origin, isolating the price variations of some volatile agricultural goods, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, as well as fuels and some managed services such as electricity and transport, thus allowing us to extract clearer signals for the conduct of monetary policy,” the Central Bank said in a statement.

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